Bèta Research
Physics in Information Technology

Your problem ...

You de­ve­lop new pro­ducts. We sol­ve pro­blems re­la­ted to phy­sics that may a­ri­se. By car­ry­ing out com­plex cal­cu­la­tions. By per­for­ming soft­ware si­mu­la­tions. By set­ting up ex­pe­ri­ments. By a­na­ly­zing the data. Al­ways fo­cu­sed on the so­lu­tion. Pro­po­sals with real prac­ti­cal va­lue to im­pro­ve your pro­ducts. So you may swift­ly ex­pand your bu­si­ness.

... our challenge.

Al­most thir­ty years of experience. Wor­king un­der the ra­dar of the well known re­search giants. Spe­ci­alism is im­por­tant, but to o­pe­rate in a cost ef­fec­ti­ve man­ner a mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry ap­proach is es­sen­ti­al. U­sing know­ledge as the tool to gain in­sight and pro­gress. Know­ledge from scien­ti­fic li­te­ra­tu­re or de­ve­lop­ed by our re­search. From this ex­pe­rien­ce we can as­sist you in se­ve­ral fields of ex­per­ti­se.

Remote data collection and analysis

Gat­her data from se­ve­ral sour­ces over lar­ge dis­tan­ces can be dif­fi­cult. To that end we present Sense2Act, a mea­sure­ment and data col­lec­tion so­lu­tion. Able to pro­cess the data from up to a thou­sand de­vi­ces with­in a one kilo­meter ra­dius. With con­fi­gu­rable sen­sors and an ac­ces­sible API.

Technical software and simulations

Soft­ware with the pri­mary task to per­form com­plex cal­cu­la­tions, con­trol a pro­cess or si­mu­late a phy­si­cal pro­cess. Such tasks re­qui­re tho­rough un­der­stan­ding of ma­the­ma­tics and phy­sics. De­pen­ding on your re­quire­ments we de­li­ver in C, C++, Java or Scala (our fa­vo­rite). From pro­blem ana­ly­sis to a wor­king so­lu­tion. We got you co­ve­red.

Worked for and with the companies


The Company

Bèta Research, Physics in Information Technology BV

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